
Digitization of the Chemosvit group – the use of the D2000 platform

Chemosvit Group
Project beginning
Implemented system
D2000 real-time software technology
Business Area

The Chemosvit Group consists of companies engaged in the production and sale of flexible films, plastics, recycled and polypropylene fibers, engineering products and packaging machines. It has production plants in several European countries and is a key player in its field in the European and global markets. The success of the group can be largely attributed to the expertise of its employees and its ongoing efforts to innovate products and technology. An important part of innovation activities is the continuous modernization of information systems and the digitization of processes.

The process of digitization and implementation of information technologies bring increased production efficiency, process optimization and better management decisions based on real-time information. All the mentioned advantages subsequently contribute to the economic results and long-term development of the group.

Initial challenge

The concept of digitization of the company also included the process of expanding the monitoring and prescribing of production and technical parameters of selected departments in the company Chemosvit Folie. In the initial scope, these were the departments of gravure printing, flexographic printing and lamination, with the deadline for implementation in the first half of 2021.

The aim was to make more efficient use of production and technical equipment through the unification/consolidation of input data and the introduction of audited material and audited technological flow. The efficient use of data then makes it possible to optimize production by more precise prescribing of the parameters necessary for setting up production.

Long-term innovation activities in the field of information technology have contributed to the acquisition of experienced IT experts. Internal expertise in the field of IT allows you to develop your own software solutions (for example, in the form of your own ERP system Orion) and thus adapt the systems to internal needs.

Source: chemosvitgroup.com

Therefore, the company was not only looking for a supplier of the final software product, which is delivered in practically the same form to hundreds of industrial companies in the world, but also a professional partner for digitization with whom they could combine expertise and develop their own unique solution.

The aim of the cooperation was to be able to carry out a significant part of the work internally, thus having the system administration process more under control and reducing administration costs.

The group's IT experts were able to define very precisely the parameters of the required system, which were important while choosing a partner for cooperation. For instance, the parameters include:

  • flexibility of the solution,
  • increased utility value for users and management,
  • security,
  • reliability.

Why a solution from IPESOFT?

The software solutions supplied by IPESOFT are based on our own unique technology in the form of the D2000 platform.

The features of the platform, such as the collection and visualization of data from industrial machines, control of technological processes, creation of balance sheet tools, overviews and the possibility of integrating various existing and new business systems, appropriately reflected the key parameters of the company mentioned above.

The unique real-time software technology, the expertise of IPESOFT employees, and openness to cooperation enable us to develop flexible systems with a high added value exactly according to the individual requirements of the company. As a proprietary solution, IPESOFT is directly responsible for the security and reliability of the D2000 platform and the systems based on it.

The features of the platform and the form of cooperation between Chemosvit and IPESOFT also made it possible to minimize the costs associated with system administration, maximum use of internal resources and experts of the Chemosvit group.


After implementing a system developed on the D2000 platform, the company obtained an extensive database of accurate real-time data. It can use real-time mass flow data for statistical and descriptive analyzes in order to optimize decisions and prescribe the technical parameters of production.

At the same time, the company can more effectively isolate individual information, identify causes, perform regression analyzes and data mining through diagnostic analyzes of the technological flow, and thus prevent problems in the future.

An unlimited archive of historical data together with access to a comprehensive number of analyzes and algorithms, in cooperation with other systems in the company, allow to discover trends and use statistical and heuristic simulation models together with elements of artificial intelligence and machine learning for predictive modeling of future development.

Positive experiences with the D2000 platform motivate customers to consider other innovative activities associated with the implementation of technology in other projects.

"The possibility of assessment and replacement of older PLC control systems and visualization is being prepared for new solutions that could already be directly implemented by suppliers in the D2000 environment, without the need for other third-party systems." Written by Ing. Martin Pitoňák PhD., a Technological development specialist at Chemosvit JSC in an article for a corporate newspaper.

The planned projects also include the innovation of a unified graphic display of the entire company premises, where individual buildings, floors, energy meters, etc. will be displayed according to the assigned access rights and the selected layer. The data is immediately and clearly displayed with various processing options, including export to the required format, such as XLS.

Another example is the pilot project applying the principles of IoT and Smart building to the management of office buildings, which will allow better monitoring and optimization of energy costs and at the same time provide employees with high comfort throughout the year.


• Unification of data into clear KPIs

• Reduction of poor quality and losses

• Fault prevention

• Unified visualization

• Unrestricted archiving

• Thoughtful investment policy

• Uniform way of connecting devices

• Accurate records of energy consumption

Solution description

The process of implementing the system is gradual. It starts with the introduction of an audited material flow, which consists of automated data collection from production facilities. The system collects technical and production parameters such as the instantaneous activity of the equipment, produced and measured length, production speed, automated scanning of cuts, etc.

Thanks to the audited material flow, the system creates an accurate 24-hour record of time worked, the material used, production and poor quality. The new solution also enables the registration of minute electricity consumption. The record of all work interruptions together with the justification of the interruption according to the approved selection values are a great benefit.

Through the D2000 sERP Orion online connection, employees' activities in the production process are also accurately identified and recorded. Based on the data obtained from the D2000, the ORION system automatically checks the overall material balance in real-time and blocks non-conforming production cards.

The next step is the introduction of an audited technology flow. Technological parameters of production are captured and long-term archived during the entire execution of the order. Archived data can be identified up to individual production disks. The system, based on the precise assignment of data to production, enables efficient processes of technological control and management of productivity and quality of production.

A separate, very demanding chapter of the digitization project is the implementation of unique measurements, such as measuring the length of reports through visualization and calculations without the need for external suppliers. This is where the D2000 - EDA system computational statistical extensions are tested and used.

The digitization project implemented a central record and standardization of the nomenclature of measured points. The exact descriptions and attributes of the measured points are prepared and defined by the departments themselves on the basis of communication between maintenance and service staff, documentation of suppliers and service support of the ASRTP department of Strojchem company.

Subsequently, the required parameters are added to the D2000 by trained Chemosvit experts. They, in cooperation with a specific production and technology department, implement its requirements for the accuracy and archiving time of production and technical parameters. The original signals are fully available at all times for equipment maintenance.

In terms of system integration, the advantage is the already realized possibility of online connection to billing and balance meters of electricity, which has achieved the ability to accurately record energy consumption for a specific machine and production order. It is already possible to create consumption prediction models for some machines.

All the mentioned functions together enable the successful connection of data from PLC devices, their consolidation and association into clear KPIs. The openness of the D2000 platform together with the expertise of IT employees enable the connection of a unified database of parameters with other systems applied in the company and the creation of unique applications with high added value.

An example is the application of monitoring and management of work performance used in selected departments of the group. The application monitors the work performed daily and evaluates the efficiency of work in real-time on the basis of the obtained data. A clear overview of work efficiency motivates employees, reveals areas for optimization and enables more informed management decisions.

The D2000 system is already deployed in a new area - the replacement of older incompatible visualizations of the operation of various devices with a single platform with increased security.


The digitization project in the form of expanding monitoring and prescribing production and technical parameters brought together experts from the Chemosvit group and the IPESOFT company. The unique technology in the form of the flexible D2000 platform appropriately reflected the needs of the group and enabled them to make full use of their own experience and qualified professionals.

The developed system has become an important part of the information infrastructure and, in combination with other systems, has made it possible to optimize production, make better decisions and make the use of production resources more efficient.


IPESOFT is a leading supplier of comprehensive real-time software solutions. It focuses on the energy industry, transport and industry itself. Based on almost 30 years of history, it brings together qualified experts from the fields of IT and industry. The D2000 platform, developed by IPESOFT, is a unique software technology designed for real-time collection, processing and visualization of industrial data. The platform offers a flexible tool for creating complex industrial applications exactly according to the needs of a specific partner.

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